When you hear or see the heartbeat at the first ultrasound, your doctor doesn’t wait until the next appointment to determine if there’s life. You hear the heartbeat and you hear life.
Midway through pregnancy, another ultrasound visit will allow you to see if the baby is a boy or a girl. We’re now past the stage of determining life because when you first heard the heartbeat, you hear him or you hear her.
It is high time to update Pennsylvania’s archaic abortion law, which allows babies to be aborted up to 24 weeks gestation. That’s six months into pregnancy, far past the time you heard life. We should all agree that if a heartbeat is detected, a baby is protected.
State Senator Doug Mastriano and State Representative Stephanie Borowicz are each sponsoring legislation called the Heartbeat Bill, which would protect unborn babies after a heartbeat is detected.Please contact your State Senator and State Representative asking for their support of this much-needed update by passing Pennsylvania’s Heartbeat Bill.
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