Stand with Survivors of AI-Generated IBSA: Ask your Congressional Representatives to Pass the DEFIANCE Act! 

Image-based sexual abuse is a rapidly growing form of sexual violence in which sexual images are created and/or distributed without the depicted individual's consent. Advancements in artificial intelligence have made it terrifyingly easy for people to become victims of image-based sexual abuse, since realistic AI-generated or "deepfake" pornography can be created in a matter of seconds. All it takes is a photo of someone's face and a few clicks—it can happen to anyone.

Currently, there are NO federal laws that allow victims to hold perpetrators accountable. The DEFIANCE ACT (S. 3696/H.R. 7569) will establish a civil cause of action to allow victims to hold perpetrators accountable for distributing or threatening to distribute AI-generated Image Based Sexual Abuse. The DEFIANCE Act has already passed the Senate, highlighting the fact that Congress is taking this issue seriously - now, it just needs to pass the House! This would be a major advancement for victims of AI-generated Image Based Sexual Abuse. 

Please urge your Congressional Representatives to defy the reign of terror that AI-generated IBSA has created by cosponsoring the DEFIANCE Act.

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Having trouble taking action? You can contact your Representative directly here. Feel free to use the email template below: 

Dear Rep. [First Name, Last Name], 

I am a constituent in your state who is deeply concerned about the alarming spread of AI-Generated image based sexual abuse online , and the astronomical increase in this form of sexual violence.

Image-based sexual abuse is when sexual images are created and/or distributed without the depicted individual's consent. Advancements in artificial intelligence have made it terrifyingly easy for people to become victims of image-based sexual abuse, since realistic AI-generated or "deepfake" pornography can be created in a matter of seconds. All it takes is a photo of someone's face and a few clicks—it can happen to anyone.

With the creation of AI "Nudify" apps, perpetrators can create sexual images by taking any image of the victim. This crime, which allows criminals to destroy the lives of their victims by sharing nonconsensual sexually explicit images, must stop. This abuse is deeply traumatic for survivors and causes long-lasting harm. 

Currently, there are NO federal laws holding perpetrators accountable for AI-generated IBSA. This is a terrifying hole in our country’s legislation which must be urgently resolved.

Please co-sponsor the DEFIANCE ACT (S. 3696/H.R. 7569) to establish a civil cause of action for survivors of IBSA to hold perpetrators accountable and give survivors access to justice. This legislation is essential to help curb sexual exploitation online. It has already passed the Senate; Now, Representatives must stand with survivors of AI-generated IBSA to pass the DEFIANCE Act.

    Please co-sponsor this legislation, and become a champion for survivors!


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