Thank the KY General Assembly For Protecting Kentucky Kids Online

On July 15, House Bill 278, Kentucky’s online age verification law, took effect after the General Assembly unanimously passed the legislation earlier this year. This new law protects children online by requiring adult websites to verify their users’ ages before allowing access to their content. As a result, Kentucky children will be safer from inappropriate content while they use the internet.

Importantly, the law allows parents whose children have accessed adult content in violation of HB 278 to sue the adult website at issue for not ensuring proper age verification. Adult websites are liable for $10,000 per instance when the website fails in requiring proper age verification.

And in case you missed it, PornHub, the world’s largest provider of pornographic content, announced it was leaving Kentucky last week because of HB 278. While this is a major first step in protecting kids online, The Family Foundation looks forward to supporting further legislation to protect Kentucky children from adult content and other online harms, including on social media sites in the 2025 legislation session.

Thank the General Assembly For Protecting Kentucky Kids

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