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Tell your Senators & Representatives to take action:
Co-sponsor the EARN IT Act today!

The National Center for Missing and Exploited Children’s (NCMEC) CyberTipline receives reports about multiple forms of online child sexual exploitation.  CSAM comprises the largest reporting category. Over 99% of the reports received by the CyberTipline in 2022 involved incidents of suspected CSAM; there were 32 MILLION reports of child pornography in 2022, a 68% increase from 2020—and a 95% increase from 2019.These are astronomical numbers—and they represent real children. 

CSAM is documentation of a crime. Victims suffer gross physical and psychological harm at the hands of offenders and continue to suffer as their abuse is endlessly shared and circulated online. It is time to confront and restrict rampant sexual abuse occurring on digital platforms. 

The EARN IT Act (S.1207/HR. 2732), one of the most important child protection measures in Congress, repeals near blanket immunity from liability enjoyed by interactive computer service, or digital, companies under judicial interpretations of Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act of 1996. Victims will finally have access to justice because EARN IT will allow them to use federal civil and state criminal and civil law to seek redress for harm suffered by digital negligence. 

Here's the loophole exploited by tech giants: Federal law requires them to alert NCMEC regarding CSAM, but the law does not require them to search for it. So they look the other way… For this reason, Congress needs to change the incentives facing digital platforms and apps, which Earn it act does. 

It is imperative that Congress pass the EARN IT Act this session to end the rampant spread of CSAM on the internet. Please urge your Senators and Representatives to advocate for America’s children, and co-sponsor the EARN IT Act. 

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