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Be a Champion for Idaho's Youth: Ask your legislators to support the Idaho's Children's Device Protection Bill!

In an era dominated by screens, parents and guardians grapple with never-ending challenges to keep children safe online.

In March 2018, Idaho openly acknowledged the dangers of pornography when the state passed a Resolution to Declare Pornography a Public Health Crisis. Easily accessible, addictive online pornography routinely includes child sexual abuse, rape, sexual violence, racism, and non-consensual sexual content. 

 The Idaho Children's Device Protection Bill is a natural and practical next step to protecting the health and well-being of Idaho‘s children. The bill pioneers child protection in the digital age by simplifying safeguards for parents, placing reasonable responsibility on manufacturers, and respecting the First Amendment. CDPB mandates that smartphones and tablets automatically enable existing filters for all minors through a simple software update and allows for civil action if manufacturers fail to comply. 

This bill provides much-needed relief to families who are overwhelmed by the digital space their children are growing up in and would demonstrate to Idaho's parents that our legislators are very serious about protecting the well-being of our children. Our children deserve every opportunity to experience childhood free from exploitation and abuse, and this is an easy and practical step we can take to improve their chances of healthy mental, emotional, and social development.

Take action to tell your Idaho state Representatives, and ask their support of the Idaho Child Device Protection Act (S. 1253) to be champions for Idaho's Youth!

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