When the Internet was created, it was surrounded by optimism for the future of communication. Yet it quickly became a hotbed for dangerous and obscene content – prompting action through the courts and legislative bodies.
The Communications Decency Act (CDA) was passed by Congress in 1996 with intentions to combat content harmful to minors on interactive technology platforms, while also protecting budding internet companies from what was posted by third-party users. While most of the CDA was struck down by the U.S. Supreme Court, the CDA’s section 230 was allowed to remain. This section provided a shield to tech companies so that they would not be considered liable for what third-party users might upload to their platforms. In the years since, this remaining section of CDA, only 26 words long, has given technology platforms near complete immunity from the rampant sexual abuses they facilitate and even profit from.
Reform of CDA Section 230 is necessary for a safer internet community, and would reflect the modern challenges that plague the Internet and its users. Ask Congress to fix the law to be what they always intended with the creation of CDA – a bill to protect kids online!
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Note: This action is for US residents only (excluding DC residents) as it is directed at US legislators. However, international users and DC residents are encouraged to take other Dirty Dozen List actions at dirtydozenlist.com.