Action Alert - 01.02.2024
Contact your State Senator to Vote NO on NJ State Board of Education Replacement

Julian Leshay | For NJ Advance Media

Every member of the New Jersey State Board of Education is currently serving in "hold over" status. Their terms have all expired. There are two open positions because one member as resigned and one as difficulty attending meetings in Trenton. Therefore, these seats are obligated to be filled. This leaves 11 members who are able and willing to serve on the State Board of Education.

Despite all 11 members being in "hold over" expired status, Governor Murphy is ONLY replacing the four members who voted NO on the controversial and age-inappropriate Sex Ed Learning Standards in June 2020 and the Managing Equity and Equality in Education policy in August 2023.

The entire nomination process is nothing more than a retaliatory executive action to punish the only board members who insisted the concerns of parents be heard, respected, and addressed.

Governor Murphy has nominated Mary Bennett to replace Mary Beth Gazi because of her pro-parent voting record. Mary Bennett was released from the Senate Judiciary Committee on December 18, 2023 but WITHOUT their recommendation. There were many troubling parts of her testimony and her resume that made the majority of the members on the Senate Judiciary Committee to withhold their support. However, Mary Bennett will now be able to receive a vote in the full Senate for her confirmation.

If Mary Bennett is approved by the State Senate, it will send a chilling message to the remaining NJ State Board of Education members that if they do not vote for the Governor's agenda, they too will be replaced.

Contact your state senator and urge them to vote NO on Mary Bennett's nomination to the NJ State Board of Education. 

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