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Parents should know what schools are planning to teach their kids when it comes to sex education, and when schools teach graphic and ideologically-driven sex ed in Massachusetts, they should be required to get parental consent.  

Two bills, HB587 and HB463, would do just that. These bills would require school districts to adopt an opt-in policy for students to participate in human sexual education. That is before a student would be allowed to participate in a sex education class, the district would have to have a written statement from a parent or guardian consenting to the student’s participation. 

These bills are important because currently, Massachusetts law only gives parents the right to opt out of sex ed; it does not require parental consent to teach sex ed to a child. While school districts must provide notice and an opportunity to opt their child out of sex ed, many parents miss the notice or forget to return the opt-out form. Since the default is for kids to take sex ed, many kids are exposed to graphic sexual content without parental consent.

If the proposed Sex Ed Opt-In Rule is adopted it would mean that the default is that a child may not participate in sex education unless parents explicitly consent.

Contact your legislators and ask them to support the Sex Ed Opt-In Rule which protects kids and respects parental rights. 

Click the Take Action link below for a phone or email script. The phone number of your representative is listed on the Take Action page. If using the call option, please record the result, and then click Save Call Data. Or you can choose the email option with our talking points to email your representative. 

Remember to insert the last name(s) of your elected official(s) in the greeting of the email! 

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