Tell Gov. Beshear, Commissioner Glass & the KY Board of Education to follow the LAW!
Gov. Beshear’s Department of Education is so determined to indoctrinate Kentucky’s children with a radical gender ideology that they are willing to blatantly undermine the law to do so. With the passage of SB 150, the Kentucky General Assembly clearly prohibited schools from instructing elementary-age children in human sexuality or instructing any child, regardless of grade level, in gender identity, gender expression, or sexual orientation. In fact, the Department of Education understood this and issued guidance on April 17 stating as much.But now Governor Beshear, Commissioner Jason Glass and his Department of Education have revised their guidance to claim that schools have a “choice” which provision of the law to follow. The “updated” guidance allows for schools to instruct your children in LGBTQ+ propaganda at any grade level despite the language of SB 150 prohibiting it.This is an absurd interpretation of SB 150 that forsakes the executive branch’s duty to faithfully execute the law that was enacted over Governor Beshear’s veto and only comes after radical LGBT activists in Louisville urged school officials to “not comply with SB 150” and to do whatever they could “regardless of the law.”
Follow the law & stop LGBTQ indoctrination schools! The KDE must fully RESCIND this absurd guidance immediately!Complete info below, then you can contact Gov. Beshear, Commissioner Glass & the Board of Education voting members on the next page!