Don't allow Attorney General Matt Platkin to take away your parental rightsAttorney General Matt Platkin
On May 16, the Hanover Township School Board passed policy 8463 known as Parental Notice of Material Circumstances. It requires school staff to notify parents whenever their child’s mental health or social and emotional well-being is impacted. It lists over 39 possible issues that parents need to be informed about. Immediately, on May 17, Attorney General Matt Platkin filed a civil rights lawsuit against the Hanover Township Board of Education because of this new approved policy. In his view, parents have the right to be informed of the majority of the 39 issues listed in the policy except when it comes to gender identity/expression and sexual orientation. On those issues, parents must be kept in the dark.
According to Attorney General Matt Platkin, schools should continue to keep a secret shadow medical file on students by withholding such information from parents.
On May 19, Governor Murphy put out a statement on Twitter that telling parents the gender identity of their children is wrong!
The Superior Court of NJ will hear this civil rights case on May 30. The decision will affect every school district in New Jersey. Therefore, we need every state legislator to stand up for the rights of parents to be informed about all the circumstances that might impact their child’s mental and emotional health.
Contact your legislator and urge them to speak up for parents and in support of Hanover Township’s Board of Education.